
Mostrando postagens de dezembro 4, 2011


With all of the turkey leftovers eaten, my thoughts have turned to all things Christmas, and my first project is always my mantel. Today's project is one I've had in mind for my Christmas mantel since the spring when I first stumbled upon these lovely  rosette kissing balls at House of Smiths.  I knew flowers similar to those would be perfect for Christmas trees, so I banked the idea away for future reference.  My flowers are very similar to the ones Shelley used, but my technique for creating them is slightly different so the end result would be a bit flatter to better preserve the cone shape of the tree.  Ready to see what I did to put these together? Let's get started! For this project, you will need... 2 rolls red crepe paper streamers 1 18-inch styrofoam cone Hot glue Ribbon Cut your streamers into lengths approximately 30 inches long. Fold each piece in half lengthwise, and then fold again lengthwise, as shown.  Starting at one end of your folded piece, roll tig